The Naked Recruiter

Recruitment Hack #68 - Candidate Pain And Candidate Pleasure

Pain and Pleasure.

Understanding a candidate's motivations is important and as a recruiter, you must take the time to understand what pain is motivating them to move from a job and what pleasure points they are seeking to achieve from this move.

Why do you need to know the pain and pleasure points of each candidate that you are dealing with?

Firstly, understanding what they want and don't want from a job will allow you to ensure you are putting forward a candidate who is suitable and mentally able to put up with the role you are putting them up for.

Secondly, you will be allowing the candidate to be truthful and only serve you better in the long run.

Thirdly, during the process, you will have increased influence on the candidate as you will know what is and is not in their best interests.


This Recruitment Hack is excerpted from my book 'Recruitment Hacks,' which is accessible in both Paperback and eBook formats.

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