The Naked Recruiter

Recruitment Hack #75 - How To Wake Up

Wake up and stay up

If you want to get up in the morning early, refreshed, and ready to go, you need a good night’s sleep. However, you will also need a wake-up routine

A wake-up routine is just as important as a bedtime routine. Essentially there is a process to waking up and staying up.

Firstly,  have your phone across the room, not next to you, or your alarm clock across the room and not next to you. So when the alarm goes off you have to physically get out of bed and walk to the phone/alarm.

Next, have a glass of water ready to drink next to the alarm clock or phone. 

Lastly, once you have drunk the glass of water do five press-ups.

This will get you awake and keep you awake. Going across the room means you have to step out of the bed and walk to the alarm to turn it off. The further you have to walk, the more likely you are to stay up. 

Drinking the water hydrates you and will start to kick the brain into going from sleep to awake mode.

Doing five press-ups will get you active, will get the heart pumping, and will get you thinking that you are awake. 

Once you’ve done this, go downstairs or leave the room. Doing this every day will keep you awake.

That’s just a brilliant way of staying awake. 

This Recruitment Hack is excerpted from my book 'Recruitment Hacks,' which is accessible in both Paperback and eBook formats.

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#Recruitment Hacks #Routines #Sleep #Waking Up