Recruitment Hack #7 - KPI's Are Dead, Long Live KPI's
KPI's are Dead, Long Live KPI's.
Key Performance Indicators. Love them. Hate them. We all have to use them.
Who am I kidding, we all hate them, and would rather we did not use them. Sadly, however, they are a necessary evil.
The problem with most KPIs is that they are useless. Why are they useless? They are useless because generally they feed either one of two categories:
One, they are used as a way to cover billing managers backs (or asses).
Two, they do not have a real impact on the placement process.
Tracking lots of KPIs makes managers feel important, but it is nonsense to track 15 to 20 ‘key’ performance indicators.
For any recruiter, there are only five (we call them the famous five) Recruitment Metrics that you need to measure and manage.
Business Development Calls Attempted
Candidate Calls Attempted
Candidates Submitted
Interviews Arranged
Offers Received
These “famous five” are all that truly need to be measured.