The Naked Recruiter

Recruitment Hack #60 - Mindful LinkedIn Manifestation

Mindful Friday LinkedIn

LinkedIn is great. All those candidates just sitting there waiting to be headhunted. It is every recruiter's dream.

That is partly why it is so successful. However, when on LinkedIn you need to be mindful of why you are there.

To help with this mindfulness you should spend 90 minutes every Friday afternoon on LinkedIn focusing on a few simple but important tasks. These tasks are outlined below.

You should send three prospects an interesting article via LinkedIn that may be helpful for them. Why? It shows you are thinking about them and adding value and not just asking for ££££.

Clear your LinkedIn notifications, say happy birthday and congratulate people on new jobs. It is nice, gets your name out there and makes you look active on Linked In.

Connect with all the clients and candidates you spoke with this week and add them to your network.

Comment on five new stories on your feed.

Clear out all read messages as well.

Do as much of the above every Friday and it will increase your presence on the site and show LinkedIn you are active. Being active means you will place higher in the rankings which is what we all want.


This Recruitment Hack is excerpted from my book 'Recruitment Hacks,' which is accessible in both Paperback and eBook formats.

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